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Pearson Voice of Teacher Survey 2014 findings out In India, 50% of the students entering any class lack the required skills; Teachers (94%) consider skill and personality development as the most critical benchmark for measuring learner success. Teachers (92%) feel that the Indian education system is highly focused on ‘exam-oriented learning’ than ‘holistic learning.’ In driving the desired ‘learner outcomes’, …

TEACHERS DAY or STUDENTS DAY?Live televised Modi’s Pathshala an instant hit, but teachers’ issues still on fringes as India celebrated yet another Teachers Day on September 5

In a welcome change Prime Minister Narendra Modi went live on national television and webcast for a good one and a half hours on September 5, the birthday of former President, philopsopher & educationist Dr Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, which is designated as the national teachers day in India, and interacted with students across the country. An estimated 9.51 crore children …

Of 100 Days, Sanskritized marques, and an all out Gender Focus

The union HRD ministry under the new government as a departure from the past has clearly set an innovative agenda with small but specific initiatives. We reproduce some of what has been said in its 100 days achievement/performance statement.   CLOSING THE GENDER GAP The Department of School Education and Literacy has supported the Ministry of Women and Child Development …

Campus Plus: Featured news snippets from academic world

  Hindu College, Delhi, India’s Most Trusted Educational Institute Hindu College, Delhi, has been voted India’s Most Trusted Educational Institute in a study by TRA (formerly Trust Research Advisory), a brand analytics and insights company. The study, titled ‘India’s Most Trusted Educational Institutes  2014-’15’ (MTEI) was conducted among 7710 respondents across 40 cities. Ranked 2nd on the Most Trusted list …

List of teachers who were awarded National Award on Teachers Day 2014

  Andhra Pradesh : Govada Ajai Babu,  V. Dasappa, Bandla Veera Raghavaiah, Singa Nagabhushanachari, Kothuri Suseela Kumari, Yajjala Muraliveni, Pakala Jeevarathnam, Kondamallela Nagaraju, Inkollu Ranga Rao, CH. John Ratnam.  Arunachal Pradesh: Hage Bibijan, Mito Riba. Assam: Rina Bhattacharjee , Khagendra Nath Chetia Phukan, Khiren Chandra Kakati, Gopal Chamuah, Md. Tazimuddin Ahmed , Damayanti Devi, Shafiqur Rahman, Abdul Mozid Khan, Ranju …

Providing separate toilets for boys & girls in a year may be a tall promise, but a worthy one

PRIME MINISTER NARENDRA MODI IN HIS maiden Independence Day speech or ‘toilet speech’ promised separate toilets for boys and girls in all schools in a year. The promised announcement is indeed welcome. According to Unicef, “A survey among school children in India revealed that about half of the ailments found are related to unsanitary conditions and lack of personal hygiene. …

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