Home Announcements (page 75)


IGNOU Launches Diploma in Modern Office Practice (DMOP)

IGNOU’s School of Vocational Education & Training (SOVET) has launched Diploma in Modern Office Practice (DMOP). The DMOP programme has combined conventional practices of Secretaries and Office Assistant’s job with computer aided management techniques. Secretaries and Office Assistants play an important and versatile role in the modern office environment. They are expected to have thorough Knowledge of office management and procedures …

Registration opens for Tata Crucible Campus Quiz 2020

Inter-collegiate business quiz, the Tata Crucible Campus Quiz is back! The 16th edition of the quiz will cover 40 cities across India and will be built around Industry 4.0 format. The 16th edition is built around ‘Industry 4.0’concept. The 40 cities participating in the quiz are divided in five zones. The winners of the regional rounds will compete in the zonal finals; and …

IndiaSkills 2020 registrations deadline extension till 15th January

Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) has extended the registration deadline for IndiaSkills 2020 . The registration now closes on 15th January. IndiaSkills competition is the biggest skills biennial competition to be held in India. This skill competition will be an arena for celebrating world-class excellence in skills and an avenue to the youngsters to showcase their functional and …

Registration to 10-day Leadership Program On Global Challenges under GCRF project at Cambridge University announced

Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) project on Comprehensive Capacity building in the Eastern Neighbourhood and Central Asia project supported by UK Research Councils, otherwise knowns as the GCRF COMPASS project has exclusively collaborated with BrainGain Academy for its ten-day on “Leadership Program On Global Challenges”. The program will take place in Cambridge, UK from February 9 to 19, 2020, run by …

Fit India School Rating—a new recognition to flaunt school’s fitness & sports apparatus

The Ministry of Youth Affair and Sports, having responded to Prime Minister’s call for a ‘Fit India Movement’ has launched Fit India School Rating for schools to integrate Fitness as an essential part of School Education. The level of Fit India School Rating will depend on how much importance the school gives for inculcating Fitness among its students and teachers …

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