Home Conferences (page 13)


FICCI’s ‘12th Global Skills Summit, 2019’ brings alive the story of country’s success in Worldskills Competition 2019 at Kazan

The 12th edition of Global Skills Summit spread over two-day (Sep 19-20) and organized by FICCI in New Delhi proved a platform of storytelling by the proud medal winners at Worldskills Competition 2019 as they were rewarded and celebrated. The occasion also brought into focus some of the laudable initiatives in skills domain in the country as also food for …

NWAC hosts COBSE Conference on De-Stressing Examinations

With the aim of creating strong strategies and roadmaps to make school examinations less stressful Northwest Accreditation Commission, USA (NWAC) hosted a conference ‘De-stressing Examination’ in partnership with the Council of Boards of School Education in India (COBSE), in New Delhi recently.  The conference was inaugurated by Professor Ved Prakash, Ex-Chairman, UGC. The event gave special focus on ‘De-Stressing Examination’ on the lines of …

Prepare for zero-carbon economy over next 30 years

A two-day International Conference on Sustainability Education was held in Delhi on Sep 9-10 where experts, academicians, activists and practitioners felt mainstreaming sustainability in education is still a huge but necessary challenge Inauguration ceremony Even as the UNESCO’s Global Action Programme (GAP) on Education for Sustainable Development, which expires later this year and a new framework is being worked out …

FIRST WORLD YOUTH CONFERENCE ON KINDNESS: President Kovind recalls Gandhi’s pet song Vaishnava Jan To Tene Kahiye, says world needs an education that can touch emotions and spirits

The President, Shri Ram Nath Kovind addressing at the inauguration of the first World Youth Conference on Kindness, in New Delhi on August 23, 2019. Gandhiji was born in India but he belongs to entire humanity. His life and values inspire people across continents. The most influential Indian of the 20th century, Gandhiji remains the benchmark against which we assess …

Standalone institutions offering PG Diploma in Management rattled by draft NEP

Of the 3100 institutes offering management education in India, about 460 are standalone self-financing colleges meaning these only teach management discipline and can only award diplomas. Now with the draft National Education Policy being discussed for an eventual roll out soon, the standalone institutes have started worrying about their existence as the proposed new policy only provides for three type …

International Conference on Safer Mobility 2019 on May 30-31 at IIT Delhi

Conference poster Indian Road Safety Campaign (IRSC) is organizing a two-day International Conference on Safer Mobility 2019(ICSM 19) on May 30-31 at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi. The conference is supported by  NITI Aayog, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH), Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs(MoHUA), and United Nations Institute of Training and Research (UNITAR). Raising awareness among …

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