Home Conferences (page 7)


LFE and FLAME University host Research Symposium on Transforming Educational Systems at Scale for 21st Century Skills: Ensuring Equity Amidst Change

The educational landscape in Pune witnessed a significant event as Leadership For Equity (LFE) and FLAME University successfully concluded their second edition of the annual Research Symposium, “Transforming Educational Systems at Scale for 21st Century Skills: Ensuring Equity Amidst Change,” on September 27-28, 2024. Held at FLAME University’s campus, this two-day symposium emerged as a melting pot of ideas, bringing …

Woxsen University Hosts the #FutureYou Summit 2024: Shaping Education for Tomorrow

Woxsen University successfully hosted the #FutureYou Summit, a dynamic event that explored the future of education. The Summit brought together prominent thought leaders, academic experts, and stakeholders in the field of education to deliberate on key topics and challenges facing academia, such as policy and immigration issues, human-centered design, psychological resilience and leadership in academia, and reinventing diversity in education, …

ASDC Annual Conclave 2024 emphasizes collaborative push toward the future of Automotive Skills Development

The Automotive Skills Development Council (ASDC)’s Annual Conclave 2024 themed “Collaborate, Empower, Accelerate, and Achieve,” brought together key stakeholders from the automotive industry, including policymakers, industry leaders, educators, and training providers, to engage in high-level discussions on the future of automotive skills development in India. The conclave held in New Delhi on Sep 27 was addressed by Ramdas ji Athawale, Minister of …

NHRC open house on ‘Preventing beggary and rehabilitation of individuals engaged in beggary’ calls for concerted rehab effort

The continuing practice of begging indicates deep socio-economic disparities in the country. As per the 2011 census, there were more than 413 thousand beggars and vagrants in India. They include women, children, transgender and elderly who are forced to beg for survival. Earlier, giving and accepting alms was part of spiritual practices aimed at cultivating humility but these days an …

Mahindra University with IEEE hosts ICETCI 2024

The 4th International Conference on Emerging Techniques in Computational Intelligence (ICETCI 2024) hosted by Mahindra University, Hyderabad, and technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society brought together leading minds in computational intelligence from around the globe, providing a platform for knowledge exchange, innovation, and collaboration. The three-day event, which conclude on August 27 featured a robust schedule of tutorials, …

ABBS hosts international conference on ‘Peace and Conflict Management’, enhances its portfolio

The 15th Annual International Conference of ABBS School of Management, Bangalore, held recently was on the theme of “Peace Economics, Peace Science, Conflict Management and Development.” For this ABBS collaborated with international partners, including the UNESCO Chair of Grenoble Ecole De Management, France, European SPES Institute, Belgium, and Binghamton University, State University of New York, among others. The conference featured an …

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