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Emotional Heath

National Conference on ‘Building Resilience’ hosted by Mind Canvas to mark July as Self-care Month

In recognition of July being Self-care Month, Mind Canvas, an organization dedicated to promoting psychological well-being among Indian youth, in collaboration with Diamond Toons, organized a National Conference on ‘Building Resilience’ in New Delhi on July 20. A Comic Book Series that will educate students on anxiety, bullying, stress management & building resilience was also released at the event. The …

Implications of CoronaVirus Crisis on Emotional Health has its own moral—reflect on unattended aspects of life and reset priorities to cope and survive

The unprecedented situation throw up by corona crisis demands adaptive behavioural patterns and change in the conditioned behaviour reinforced during normal times. Dr.Nitesh Dhawan , Public Servant (Govt of UP) and Author shares some important tips for this adaptability:   The unprecedented global crisis due to Covid-19 Corona virus has really shaken the world with its unpredictability and magnanimity. The …

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