Home Internationalization (page 2)


Higher Education and research at the heart of U.K. India cooperation in upcoming trade agreement

Higher Education and research are key to an enhanced trade partnership between the U.K. and India and is expected to pave the way for a future UK-India free trade agreement. This emerged after the British Prime-Minister Boris Johnson met Prime-Minister Narendra Modi virtually on May 4, after the U.K. prime-minister was forced to cancel his planned visit to Delhi in …

Deadline for public suggestion/feedback on Draft Regulations on collaborative Internationalization for HEIs closes on March 5

Last date of receiving suggestions extended to 15th March In what could be a major big step towards internationalization of country’s higher education and also its capacity expansion, University Grants Commission (the higher education regulator) on Feb 17 circulated the draft of the University Grants Commission (Academic Collaboration between Indian and Foreign Higher Education Institutions to offer Joint Degree, Dual …

INDIA and GERMANY formalize ministerial collaboration on skilling

The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) has signed two major agreements, referred to as Joint Declaration of Intent (JDoI), with Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany. One DoI is with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for Cooperation in the field of skill development and vocational education and training and the second is …

Uncoiling the partition narrative for ‘peace education’

Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL), an initiative started by State University New York (SUNY) in 2010, has really gone global with international partners and participating institutions in an approach to fostering cross-cultural student competence through development of multicultural learning environments that link university or college classes in different countries.  In September this year, St Mira’s College Pune and LaGuardia Community …

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