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Study abroad

Global survey by INTO shows young people in India are the most upbeat despite the pandemic

A transnational survey conducted in August 2021 by INTO University Partnerships involving over 1,200 Gen Z students (those born 1995-2012) from 93 countries shows that the catastrophic impact of COVID-19 on lives and economies has failed to dent the hopes and aspirations of Gen Z as they are more optimistic than ever about their future. India leads the way in …

Campus enhancements await students returning to Grenada

SGU School of Medicine campus in Grenada is now ready for students to return and will have a new look when they arrive as they will notice several enhancements. SGU has continued to support its growing campus community with several expansion and redevelopment projects to be completed in the 2021-2022 academic year. When construction is complete, the campus will feature …

Student Recruitment in India: Opportunities and Challenges in Tier-II Cities

By Karunn Kandoi, Head of Business Operations, ApplyBoard India The strong education systems in Indian Tier-I cities have fuelled the meteoric rise of the Indian study abroad market over the past decade. Major metros such as Delhi and Mumbai have sent tens of thousands of students to study in destinations like the US, the UK, Canada, and Australia. At the …

University of Essex launches 6-wk university preparation programmes

Students getting ready for university around the world, including India, can now access the six-week Essex Preparation Programme especially designed to get them ready for their university studies.  The course is open to anyone applying for undergraduate study at the University of Essex, and if they complete the course and register to study at Essex for the 2021-22 academic year-they will qualify for …

AIBX Study Australia Masterclass Series showcases higher education excellence

The masterclass series featured some of Australia’s most renowned academics including Nobel Laureate Prof Barry Marshall The Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) has delivered a Study Australia Masterclass Series of live events under its Australia India Business Exchange program (AIBX). The series has showcased Australia’s expert capability and thought leadership in forefront academic fields to students, parents and industry …

Vaccine, Visa, and Vista of the Future: an Updated Guide to Getting to University

Your watchword right now needs to be “awareness”. By keeping track of latest developments, you will be able to successfully plan your academic journey and minimize uncertainty.  By Adarsh Khandelwal, Founder, COLLEGIFY In the present circumstances, each new development and announcement might seem to throw a curveball in your journey to your dream university – and as counselors, we understand and …

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