Home Announcements Dr. Jean Dreze to deliver 5th ‘Dr. Verghese Kurien Memorial Oration On Sustainable Development’

Dr. Jean Dreze to deliver 5th ‘Dr. Verghese Kurien Memorial Oration On Sustainable Development’

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XLRI- Xavier School of Management is all set to organize the 5thDr Verghese Kurien Memorial Oration on Sustainable Development’ in memory of the Founder of AMUL Dr. Verghese Kurien, otherwise known as “the Milkman of India” on 22nd September, 2018 at XLRI Campus, Jamshedpur.

This year, the oration is to be delivered by Noted Development Activist & Economist, Dr. Jean Dreze.  He would deliver the oration on the topic “Economic Growth and Social Development”.

Dr. Jean Drèze is a noted Belgian-born Indian Development Economist and Activist. His work in India has been studying several developmental issues like hunger, famine, gender inequality, child health and education, and the NREGA. He had conceptualized and drafted the first version of the NREGA. He has co-authored several publications with noted scholars like Nobel laureate in economics Amartya Sen, Nicholas Stern and Nobel laureate in economics Angus Deaton. He is currently an honorary Professor at the Delhi School of Economics, and Visiting Professor at the Department of Economics, Ranchi University. He was a member of the National Advisory Council of India in both first and second term.

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