Australia’s department for immigration and border protection (DIBP) has made changes in `Simplified Student Visa Framework’ (SSVF), which was introduced last year. In the latest ranking, it has moved India from High Risk Assessment to Moderate Risk. India had been in level III and IV which is considered to be high risk for almost 13-14 years and now for the very first time India has moved to a moderate risk zone which will have a great impact.
India being in level II opens the doors for students to have a wide range of institutions to apply for education and there will be no requirement of financial documents as compared to level III to be shown to Australian High Commission. The mandatory documents to be shown as per the checklist available on Australian High Commission website for Assessment Level 2 countries are passport, college fee receipt (COE), statement of purpose and health cover. When Nepal was in level II last year, their Visa grants had increased three times. With this change in Visa process, India is also likely to see a growth in students applying for Australia and successful visa grants as well.
Australia is targeting 720,000 international students by 2025.