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Study in Australia

University of Melbourne launches Global Centre in Delhi

The University of Melbourne opened its first Melbourne Global Centre in Delhi on Sep 17 marking a significant expansion of its global presence. This milestone is part of a major delegation visiting India to enhance partnerships and engagement with local students, alumni, government officials, and educational partners. The opening event brought together students, alumni, academics, and distinguished guests, including representatives …

New Australian university to be launched to Indian students on Aug 22

Adelaide University based in South Australia is opening a new university aimed at students from India, which will see students commencing from 2026.  The university will be situated in Adelaide. AU will celebrate the official launch of this new institution in India on 22 August 2024, with an event in New Delhi. The new university is built on the robust …

India moves to level II in SSVF ranking, will ease student mobility to Australia

Australia’s department for immigration and border protection (DIBP) has made changes in `Simplified Student Visa Framework’ (SSVF), which was introduced last year.  In the latest ranking, it has moved India from High Risk Assessment to Moderate Risk. India had been in level III and IV which is considered to be high risk for almost 13-14 years and now for the very first …

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