Home Admissions India-specific LSAT now accepted by 60 law colleges, Next test on May 17

India-specific LSAT now accepted by 60 law colleges, Next test on May 17

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The India-specific Law School Admission Test (LSAT) an online standardized test administered by US-based Law School Admission Council (LSAC) via Pearson Vue India online platform is increasingly being accepted by law colleges in India. According to PearsonVue sources, about 61 institutions in India have started recognizing and accepting LSAT score.  Last year 3960 candidates appeared for the test. The next test is slated on May 17 and could be taken from 16 cities in India. LSAT is designed to measure skills that are considered essential for success in law school: the reading and comprehension of complex texts with accuracy and insight; the organization and management of information and the ability to draw reasonable inferences from it; the ability to think critically; and the analysis and evaluation of the reasoning and arguments of others.

“Law in India is emerging as a big career choice as a qualification in law opens up many opportunities as it affects every aspect of society besides legal practice, which is bound to be in more demand in coming years,” said  Daniel Bernstine, President, Law School Admission Council, who was on a business promotion visit to India recently.  According to him LSAT is helping both students as well as institutions in admission process as institutions can pick up students with right aptitude based on score and the student can apply simultaneously to several colleges and make a choice.  LSATIndia is a standardized test of reading and verbal reasoning skills designed by the USAbased Law School Admission Council (LSAC) for use by law schools in India.

“The India LSAT has been designed keeping in view the degree course format, which is either 5 years or three years,” clarifying that taking India LSAT is not equivalent or  a substitute for LSAT in north America and elsewhere. He also added that LSAT score internationally is one factor in admissions aboard and for studying abroad the student needs to fulfill university specific criteria for international students.

LSAT is a well-researched psychometric test, which enables an aspiring candidate to judge himself or prepare. Pearson Vue centres are hi tech biometrically secure test taking facilities. A test costs Rs 3800.

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