Home Announcements JGU adds Jindal School of Environment and Sustainability

JGU adds Jindal School of Environment and Sustainability

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O.P. Jindal Global University (JGU) has launched its 9th School—the Jindal School of Environment and Sustainability (JSES). The interdisciplinary environmental studies school in an Indian university will be led by the renowned environmentalist, Professor (Dr.) Armin Rosencranz, formerly at Stanford University, as its founding Dean.  It proposes  a transdisciplinary approach to teaching and learning by integrating perspectives from the natural sciences, the social sciences, and the arts and humanities besides exploring policy, regulation, law and governance of environmental issues

JSES will offer B.A .(Hons.) in Environmental and Sustainability Studies. In the near future, JSES will integrate Study Abroad; Postgraduate (Master of Environmental and Sustainable Development, Mater of Environmental Legal Studies, Master of Environmental management/Sciences and policy); Doctoral programme (Doctor of Philosophy in Environment and Sustainability).

 Environment and Sustainability is an evolving discipline that covers many aspects of our daily lives.

The School was launched by Dr. Bibek Debroy, Chairman, Economic Council to the Prime Minister, Government of India,  Justice Michael D. Wilson, Judge, Supreme Court of Hawaii, USA,  M.C Mehta, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India and Dean Armin Rosencranz on March 13.  

Justice Michael D. Wilson said, “The establishment of the Jindal School of Environment & Sustainability is a significant step for India and the world. We need India to provide leadership on addressing the challenge of sustainability. The issue being faced by judges internationally is climate change. Executive branch has to work in correlation with the judicial branch in order to bring about a significant change. Do the right thing and change will happen.” Citing a study by the Centre for Climate Change at Cambridge, he called for deep and rapid emissions reduction, create new carbon dioxide sinks and re-freeze the North and South Poles.

JSES, Registrar, Dr. Y.S.R. Murthy said, “JSES in coordination with existing eight Schools of JGU dealing with law, business, international affairs, public policy, liberal arts, journalism, architecture, banking & finance, will further inter-disciplinary learning.”

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