PM Narendra Modi’s Pariksha Pe Charcha is back! Started in 2019 as an examination distressing interaction between the Prime Minister and secondary school students and broadcast nationally, #PPC2022 (Pariksha Pe Charcha 2022) has been announced. Though the date of interaction will be announced later, registrations to participate in the event have opened.
Open for school students of Classes 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th only, the registration began on December 28 and will continue until January 20, 2022. Interested students can register on MyGov platform.
The themes for students this year includes:
Exam stress management strategies during COVID-19:
Creative strategies adopted by you as a student to manage pandemic stress and forthcoming exam stress.
Azadi Ka Amrit Mahostav:
Do you know about the history of the village/town/city where you live? Write about your village, town, or city, and share about an unknown facet of the freedom struggle there.
Self-reliant School for Self-reliant India:
What does self-reliance mean to you? Share your ideas on making you and your teachers “Aatmanirbhar” in-terms of teaching and learning when the schools are not fully functional due to COVID-19.
Clean India, Green India:
Your ideas on how to strengthen India’s fight against climate change.
Digital Collaboration in Classrooms:
How your teacher made your online class joyful, interesting and effective during the pandemic. Your views on how quality of online classes can be improved.
Environmental conservation and climate change resilience:
Activities undertaken by you as a student during pandemic period for Environmental conservation and climate change.
Students can participate in only one theme specified for them and should submit responses that are original, creative and simple. The question to Prime Minister should not exceed 500 characters.
Upon successful submission of entries, all students shall receive a digital certificate of participation that they may download and share on social media with #PPC2022. Each winner will get a Certificate of Appreciation by Director, NCERT. Every winner will also get a special Pariksha Pe Charcha Kit comprising of Exam Warriors book in Hindi and English, written by Hon’ble Prime Minister.
Details on this link :https://innovateindia.mygov.in/ppc-2022/