Home Pre-schooling YouTube edutainment channel, NuNu-TV, developing educational content for Preschoolers

YouTube edutainment channel, NuNu-TV, developing educational content for Preschoolers

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NuNu-TV, a YouTube edutainment channel is developing a network of teachers and coordinating with them to develop fun and educational content for children aged 2-4 years. NuNu-TV is working towards incorporating a number of themes, topics and educational content in short videos that are fun to watch for little children. Educational topics are included but not limited to Colours, Weather, alphabets, insects, washing hands, exercise, day and night, numbers, morning and dinner time, days of the week, flowers and food groups. As of now NuNu-TV is completely ad free

“Courtesy of lockdown, parents have had more time on their hands to spend with their children. However, they cannot be on the watch 24X7 as they have to handle other responsibilities as well. Many of them are working from home which takes up an excess of time. Add to that the fact that there are mandatory household chores that need to be taken care of as well. Consequently, the parents have to divide their attention over their children as well as a number of other things, which can be really stressful. Pre-schoolers, especially, get bored easily and may not understand that you are doing important work. As a result, they get anxious and panicky. This is where NuNu-TV can really be helpful,” said Rahul Rohilla, CEO of Sprout Studios, NuNu-TV.

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