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Draft NEP 19 has provided a big opportunity to arrive at India’s national education identity, agenda and goals

The talk and seeding of a New Education Policy (NEP) took birth with the release of BJP election manifesto in 2014. The mammoth exercise that has gone into it thus far began a year after. In January 2015, BJP-led NDA government honored this promise and announced NEP formulation. It invigorated the discussion and debate over shortcomings in education systems and …

Strong and proactive governance must to overcome implementation challenge of big ticket initiatives under draft NEP, budget will be a test

The Indian education sector serves more than 315 million students, almost equivalent to the population of USA. Education holds the key to skilling, employability, research and shaping professional human capital, which in turn contributes to national economic and social development and therefore is the key driver of jobs and economic development. With Modi Government 2.0 beginning its innings, Curriculum magazine …

Draft NEP 19: National Education Commission or Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog is the major recommendation

Raft attention to higher education agenda If much doesn’t change in the draft National Education Policy (NEP) 2019, then university grants commission (UGC) will become Higher Education Grants Council and the regulator function will be vested into a new body to be called as National Higher Education Regulatory Authority. The draft also recommends doubling of government expenditure on public education …

Draft National Education Policy (NEP) 2019: Aim on School Education–A compendium of trends, gaps and wishes

The draft NEP while being ambitious on fixing the chaos in school education order, may well lead to more sharpening of dividing lines The massive 484-page document is result of a mammoth hard work of about five years that began in January 2015 with the announcement of formulation of a new national policy on education and moved with multilevel wider …

Draft National Policy on Education released, public suggestions/comments close by June 30

The New National Policy on Education (NEP 2019) announcement is now it appears only a few weeks away. On the very first day, after the new union HRD minister, Dr Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank, took over, the draft NEP, which was completed in December 2018, was released. Now public suggestions and comments on the draft have been invited. Last date is …

International Conference on Safer Mobility 2019 on May 30-31 at IIT Delhi

Conference poster Indian Road Safety Campaign (IRSC) is organizing a two-day International Conference on Safer Mobility 2019(ICSM 19) on May 30-31 at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi. The conference is supported by  NITI Aayog, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH), Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs(MoHUA), and United Nations Institute of Training and Research (UNITAR). Raising awareness among …

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