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Posts By Editorial team

Editorial: Don’t Scrap the FYUP of Delhi University

While there is clearly a growing clamour for rolling back the four-year university undergraduate programme (FYUP) of the university of Delhi (DU) introduced only last year after a controversial courtship of nearly two years, the reasons for scrapping be it the electoral politics of Delhi state assembly where elections are likely to be held later this year or ensuring ideological …

Overseas education@the Global Education Interact

The Chopras way of sending Indian students abroad since 2008, a hit with outbound students The Global Education Interact, an initiative by The Chopras, India’s leading consultancy services company helping 10-12,000 students and immigrants every year to go abroad for education and residence, was held in New Delhi on May 31. 65 foreign universities from 10 countries participated in the …

Feature: Education & Skill Development Agenda for the New Govt

Following the successful elections of the 16th Lok Sabha, a new government assumes office in New Delhi. Quite obviously, the new dispensation that will surely adopt a fresh approach at tackling the challenges before the country, has raised public expectations for good governance. As part of our continued focus on the neglected reforms in education & skills education since beginning …

Centurion University and SEDA Agreement for development of fitness vocational courses in India

The partnership between the Gajapati (Odisha)-based Centurion University of Technology and Management and Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA) have signed an agreement for development of sports and fitness vocational courses in India. The project, provided with a funding grant from the Australian Sports Commission, will focus on vocational education and training in India. The project under the Australian Sports …

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