Home Conferences Call to establish a national network of universities committed to values-based education at All India Vice-Chancellors Conference

Call to establish a national network of universities committed to values-based education at All India Vice-Chancellors Conference

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The Sri Sathya Sai University for Human Excellence (SSSUHE) Muddenahalli, Karnataka on Feb 24 hosted the All-India Vice-Chancellors Conference attended by 50 Vice-Chancellors from 47 State and Private Universities from across 18 States.

The event marked the beginning of a larger initiative to redefine Indian education, aligning with the principles of NEP 2020 and Government-led programs like Deeksharambh, Jeevan Kaushal, and the Indian Knowledge Systems Programme. The Vice-Chancellors pledged collective action to implement these principles across their institutions. With the momentum generated, SSSUHE and participating universities will now work towards establishing Values-Based Education Centres across the nation.

The many insightful deliberations calling for an urgent need to embed values-based education into academic curricula and holistic development amongst teen and university students while maintaining academic quality. This endeavour would create a new generation of students and university graduates with high standards of ethics coupled with an attitude of servant leadership. Many success stories of values-driven educational institutions were presented, showcasing tangible benefits in student development and societal impact.

B N Narasimha Murthy, Chancellor of SSSUHE accentuated the significance of the Conference by stating that Education should focus on wisdom and human values. To achieve this end, Spirituality in higher education is the key. It has proven impactful, as seen in the initiatives of leaders like Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and Sadguru Madhusudan Sai. There is a need for more teachers who serve as gurus. Passionate educationists and educators, supported by policy-makers, can confidently introduce human values into higher education.

A comprehensive roadmap for implementing values-based education was outlined, with a focus on integrating Dharma (righteous conduct), Vidya (knowledge), and Samaja Seva (social service) into university education.

The Conference concluded with a call to action to advocate for a national movement on values-based education, urging policymakers to:

  • Establish national networkof universities committed to values-based education
  • Developa model curriculum that integrates ethical leadership training into higher education curricula
  • Create a task forceto effectively support the implementation of values-based education in Indian universities through faculty development programmes and periodical audit
  • Conduct community engagement initiativesand events to foster  societal responsibility amongst the citizenry

The Founder of SSSUHE – Sri Madhusudan Sai in his benedictory message underscored the urgent need of the hour is to realign our education system to our ancient idea of dedicating oneself to the welfare of all. Elucidating on the phrase svadharma.  He said ” Dhara iti Dharma “Dharma is the keyword, That which sustains, supports, protects and upon which everything else rests. Doing the right always, Making right choices over pleasurable choices and being happy are the few quintessential dharmic qualities that need to be inculcated in today’s students to release them from the firm grip of digital addiction and harmful peer validations.”

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