Home Announcements (page 73)


Lore.online integrates HBS online programs, Harappa life skills courses & Stanford Online course

Mumbai-based Ed tech startup Caymus Tech Ventures that runs online up-skilling c0urses on Lore.online for individual learners and LoreForTeams platform for enterprises has announced inclusion of courses and programs from Harvard Business School, Chicago Booth, Harvard Kennedy School, Harappa Education, The Wharton School, and Stanford Online. Lore.online users can now discover, compare, and enroll in both online and offline courses …

Teach For India Fellowship applications close on March 8

Teach For India has announced the final round of applications for its Fellowship programme. The deadline for the same is 8th March 2020. The Teach For India Fellowship is a 2-year full-time paid opportunity for India’s most promising individuals, both recent graduates, and working professionals, to serve as teachers to children in some of the nation’s most under-resourced schools. Teach For India …

upGrad ties up with WeWork to expand its footprint in up skilling of latter’s members

In a strategic move, upGrad, online higher education company has partnered with WeWork, leading space-as-a-service platform, to expand its interactive programs nationally. Through this association, upGrad will leverage WeWork’s large members base to introduce industry-relevant programs and higher learning to the workplace, with an objective of enhancing member experiences and advancing their professional journeys. WeWork members across all locations in …

Flame University launches 1-year Postgraduate Program in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at FLAME University, Pune on Feb 18 launched its ‘Postgraduate Program in Entrepreneurship and Innovation’ (PGPEI), which is designed to support aspiring entrepreneurs and family business owners who are seeking to launch or grow their business ventures. PGPEI curriculum includes a combination of workshops by industry experts, experienced entrepreneurs, investors; global and local startup …

10th Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad (BCS) begins from 20th February in Delhi

Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad (BCS) along with MIT School of Government (MIT-SOG) is organizing a four-day Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad or Indian Student Parliament in New Delhi from Feb 201-23 . Rahul Vishwanath Karad, founder of Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad & School of Government (SOG), also the executive president MIT-WPU announced schedule and program of this edition of BCS at a press conference …

10th Annual Pramerica Spirit of Community Awards on Feb 20: 30 STUDENT VOLUNTEERS TO BE FELICITATED

Introduced in 2010 in India, ‘The Pramerica Spirit of Community Awards’ which s an annual nationwide search to identify and recognize school students in Classes VI – XII making a positive difference in their communities through voluntary community service is here again. To be held on February 20 in New Delhi, the 10th edition will see student community heroes chosen …

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