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Collaboration & Exchanges

Chitkara University leads consortium of Erasmus+Antibiotic Resistance project

Antibiotic resistance has emerged as a major global threat to human and animal health, food security and development. It is expected to cause at least 10 million deaths annually by 2050, more than cancer and diabetes combined causalities. “Risk Management and Prevention of Antibiotic Resistance – PREVENT IT” project, the three year project Erasmus+ offers innovative perspective in addressing antibiotic …

Recognize us as stakeholders and not visitors in schools: Student voices

The celebration of student voice was the theme of the ‘Kids Education Revolution (KER)’ national summit by Mumbai-based nonprofit, Teach For India (TFI) , this time held in Delhi from Feb 7-9. It began by KER night that saw talks by student activists, a panel discussion, street play, poetry recitation around the theme. Ridhima Pandey, dubbed as India’s Greta Thunberg led …

Shoolini University Maths graduates can pursue Ph D program in University of Houston, Texas

Every year, five graduate students of Bajhol, Himachal Pradesh-based Shoolini University can look forward to join Graduate Ph. D programme of University of Houston, Texas following a MoU of research and academic partnership between the two universities. The agreement was signed by Dr Jiwen He, Professor and Chair, Department of Mathematics at University of Houston and Dr Dinesh Singh, Distinguished …

JPIS, Gr Noida ties up with Atal Incubation Centre- BIMTECH to mentor startups

AVP of AIC-BIMTECH Chittransh Verma and Amit Saxena of VP of Sparsh Group (Education) To foster entrepreneurial spirit of its students, JP International School, Gr. Noida recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Atal Incubation Centre – BIMTECH, Gr. Noida.  AIC BIMTECH is supported by Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog , GOI and BIMTECH. JP International School also has …

Uncoiling the partition narrative for ‘peace education’

Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL), an initiative started by State University New York (SUNY) in 2010, has really gone global with international partners and participating institutions in an approach to fostering cross-cultural student competence through development of multicultural learning environments that link university or college classes in different countries.  In September this year, St Mira’s College Pune and LaGuardia Community …

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