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400 Samsung Innovation Campus students Certified in Future-Tech Skills

The 400 students of Gautam Buddha University Greater Noida, who completed the Artificial Intelligence (AI) course under Samsung India’s flagship CSR programme, Samsung Innovation Campus were given certificates at a felicitation ceremony attended by Prof. R.K. Sinha, Vice Chancellor, Gautam Buddha University, alongside officials from Samsung and the Electronics Sector Skills Council of India (ESSCI) on October 17.  Samsung Innovation …

Masai School in partnership with NSDC and IIT Guwahati launch Outcome-Driven Microcredit Course in CSE

Masai School, an online software courses platform, has launched Micro-Credit Program in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) in partnership with National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) and IIT Guwahati. The program introduces a credit-based curriculum covering critical domains such as Programming, Mathematics for Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, Databases, System Design, and OS Networking. Talking about the partnership, Prateek Shukla, …

IIT Madras’ Centre for Responsible AI and Ericsson partner for joint research

Indian Institute of Technology Madras’ (IIT Madras) Centre for Responsible AI (CeRAI) announced that it is partnering  Ericsson for joint research in the area of Responsible AI. Ericsson signed an agreement to partner with CeRAI as a ‘Platinum Consortium Member’ for five years. Under this MoU, Ericsson Research will support and participate in all research activities at CeRAI. Elaborating on the partnership …

India ideally placed to become a global research partner in quantum science and technologies: ASSOCHAM

The global quantum technology market which is expected to reach $21.6B by 2025 provides tremendous growth opportunities for Indian Market too. India is ideally placed today to become a global research partner in this field, as is evident through the work of several research groups on quantum science and technologies across the country. All these need to work together with multiple …

Data scientists’ global battle to create air quality forecast solution

Using the Zindi data science competition platform, over 400 data experts from countries including India, Nigeria, Tanzania, Japan, and the UAE are using information collected hourly from sensors in Kampala to accurately forecast air quality for a future 25-hour period. The ability to accurately predict air quality over short time periods will empower everyone from governments to families to make informed decisions to …

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