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Girl Child education

‘Daughters of India’ project by Swabhiman Samiti—an effort at improving Rural Education with technology and volunteer teachers

The ‘Daughters of India’ initiative, by Swabhiman Samiti in association with Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV) Etawah, aims to improve rural education in and beyond the district through technology and volunteer teachers. The project goal is to provide quality education to girls in India’s most economically challenged areas. The challenge prompting the ‘Daughters of India’ initiative steamed from the serious …

Mumbai girl teens team to represent India in ‘Robotic Olympics’—the 3rd edition of First Global Challenge 2019 at Dubai

This year, the theme is ‘ocean opportunities’ and focuses on ocean pollution A team of five teenage girl students from Mumbai—Aarushi Shah  (Bombay International School), Radhika Sekhsaria (Oberoi International School),  Radhika Sekhsaria (Oberoi International School), Aayushi Nainan & Lavanya Iyer (Dhirubhai Ambani International School) and  Jasmehar Kochhar (Podar International School)— will represent Inda at the First Global Challenge (3rd edition) …

‘Changing Moves Changing Minds’ programme in Mumbai municipal corporation schools from Oct

British Council’s international gender-education programme – Changing Moves Changing Minds (CMCM) – is being implemented in 1187 Mumbai municipal corporation run schools starting October 2019 with the support of programme partners – Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) Gem and Jewellery National Relief Foundation (GJNRF).  Terence Lewis, renowned contemporary dance choreographer is the brand ambassador for the programme. CMCM is an international education …

First International Day of Education: Safety, Sensitivity & System—all challenges for Girl Education in India

January 24, 2019 is a historic day as this day marks the first UN-designated International Day of Education. In India, the day was also celebrated as the National Girl Child Day as it is also the fourth anniversary of the girl child empowerment initiative. On this occasion the alliance of three voluntary group networks –Right to Education Forum, Campaign Against …

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