Home Spotlight (page 43)


Death blow to Right to Education activism: Ambarish Rai, who died of suspected covid left a void, will be sadly missed

Ambarish Rai , National Convener of RTE Forum, a coalition of several organizations, groups and individuals including lawyers and educationists and spread over 20 states in India, died of suspected covid complications after being letdown by the ‘collapsing’ healthcare system on April 23 at an age of 61. His sudden passing away, no doubt, shocked almost everyone familiar with him …

The vulnerable face the most challenging time for access & completion of Education

On the 130th birth anniversary of Bharat Ratna, Dr B R Ambedkar, the chief architect of the constitution and independent India’s first law minister, the worsening education scenario for marginalized, deprived and disadvantaged sections of society after covid19 pandemic, calls for a serious introspection on where it is headed Even without Nelson Mandela reminding the world about the power of …

Quitting smoking is linked to improved mental health – study

Published to coincide with No Smoking Day 2021 on March 10th, the research found people who stop smoking may experience improvements in their mental health such as reductions in anxiety and depression symptoms.  The study also reveal that people’s social relationships are unlikely to suffer if they give up smoking.  Led by the University of Bath, working with the Universities …

Heritage Girls School, Udaipur, has taken certain steps to live securely with COVID-19 as students look forward to return

By Tulsi Bhatia, Principal The time to open the doors of the school to welcome them back has come! And with this the responsibility of schools to ensure a safe environment, has also become sacred, more so in a fully residential school like ours.   Students will be asked to report in a staggered manner. The first batch to arrive will …

In post-pandemic reopening of schools, healthy WASH will be critical factor

For those who have been either disappointed due to unpunctual implementation of the Right to Education Act, 2009 or antagonized with its ‘impractical’ compliance, there is at least a small reason to cheer up in these Covid 19 pandemic times.   The WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) facilities, which are going to be more critical to the functioning of schools …

More evidence to suggest that digital divide is far more pronounced and a real challenge for online education in India

The Covid pandemic lockdowns did catch students and education institutions unexpectedly and unprepared for alternatives initially but soon online mode of education emerged as the most viable solution to offset disruption of education. Its shortcomings notwithstanding, online education became a new normal with pandemic lengthening its spell and therefore need to keep education institutions continuously shut to avoid virus from …

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