Home Spotlight (page 50)


Higher Education better off under NEP 2020

As compared to school education, the policy prescriptions announced for the higher education in the NEP 2020 seem to be doable. The rejigging of regulatory system and other far-reaching transformative measures will involve substantial legislative work and a broad consensus exists within the political spectrum to see it through. However, it is very interesting to see that the very dispensation …

Overcoming the challenges of Online Teaching is itself a new high & enriching for teachers

‘The greatest challenge lies in the adaptability to a completely unexplored mode of teaching-learning. No matter what we have done, we need to do even better to reach out, to help, to ensure students never stop learning.’ By Indrani Bhattacharyya According to the official reports published in 2017-18, only 29% of the Indian population were internet users. Though the statistics …

Back to school: Teachers will need to master ways of unraveling the pandemic transition

Evolution does not occur linearly – it occurs in spurts, some dramatically and some quietly. Schools have to open sooner than later and getting back to earlier normal will pass through a transition period as students may have acquired different routines during long period of ‘study from home’. Shefali Tewary, Head of School at Elpro International School, a Cambridge International …

BUILD BACK BETTER: Experts & Practitioners want focus to shift on seeing pandemic as an opportunity to redesign education process

State Education Plans, decentralization, reaching out to do-gooders in communities, re emphasis on schools as community social places, and adult education along with treating technology as neutral can help in re imagining a new education model to tide over effects of covid The last four months or so have been revealing on the state and status of formal education in …

Will this pandemic change the fundamentals of India’s school education system?

For close to 30 years, Indian Parliament has never spent a full day discussing country’s education system and now most discerning people are forgetting that public education is a core social contract of democracy and a basic objective of for which welfare state of India has committed constitutionally. That ideology has been completely overturned in favor of a cost efficiency …

World Youth Skills Day SPECIAL: A Trendsetter model in skills education is shaping up in Odisha

Independent of the draft NEP that carries a major recommendation of  ‘achieving skill development among at least 50% of learners  through school and higher education system by 2025 in order to realize full potential of India’s demographic dividend’,  the state of Odisha has already hit the road by reimagining skills education for the socio-economic transformation of its people.  By Autar …

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