Home Study abroad University of Essex launches 6-wk university preparation programmes

University of Essex launches 6-wk university preparation programmes

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Students getting ready for university around the world, including India, can now access the six-week Essex Preparation Programme especially designed to get them ready for their university studies.  The course is open to anyone applying for undergraduate study at the University of Essex, and if they complete the course and register to study at Essex for the 2021-22 academic year-they will qualify for a £250 bursary. The University is also developing an early arrival programme for September to give extra help to new students.

The Essex Preparation Programme builds on the work the University undertook last year in response to the disruption caused by lockdown to support students who were applying to Essex.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Lorna Fox O’Mahony said: “We know the past year and a half was so difficult for this generation of school and college students so we wanted to give then a helping hand so they can bounce back in the next step in their lives and thrive at university. Getting back on track for university study might feel a bit daunting so we want to do everything we can to help these students to succeed. Our academics have been working with our Skills for Success team, library team and other staff to create inspiring course material which will help students reach their potential by becoming better, more effective learners. Last year, we saw how much school and college students appreciated the extra help we gave them so we’ve used their feedback to develop even more ways to support students at this stage just before university.”

In the coming months the University will also launch programmes for Years 12 and 13 and Years 10 and 11. They are designed to be a high-quality source of information, advice and guidance which students can work through independently or teachers can use in the classroom.

Completion of the Essex Preparation Programme is optional, but the University believes it will give students a great start to their studies. The materials are also perfect for students who perhaps have taken a break from formal education for any reason. Over the six-week programme students will explore independent learning, critical thinking, academic integrity and many more areas.

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