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Amity Future Academy: a new addition to high-end online skilling program platforms

Delhi-based Amity Education Group, which runs some of the good private universities and a small chain of K-12 schools in India, has last month launched a new entity in online skilling domain and called it Amity Future Academy. The new platform will offer training programs designed to help young professionals gain in-demand skills. A statement from AEG claims that the …


National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) in collaboration with realestate company, CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd on July 29 announced the top 3 winners of India’s ‘BIGGEST PROPTECH CHALLENGE’ – DISRUPTECH. Touchwizard Technologies, XLSYS Technologies and WEGoT Utility Solutions were declared winners post three stages of evaluation by industry leaders from across sectors.  The three winners will get the opportunity to be mentored by CBRE along with other …

University of Dayton career counseling in Hyderabad,Chennai, Bangalore, Ahmadabad and Gurgaon

The University of Dayton located in community-based Dayton, Ohio in the United States is conducting a series of workshops in some select cities in India for prospective students who are interested in pursuing higher education abroad. In addition to what is expected to be a widely attended event in Hyderabad, the university will also be conducting workshops in Chennai, Bangalore, …

Private B Ed colleges: We’re victims of system not the culprits

Ashok Vyas on the left  Ashok Vyas, President, All India Association of Private Colleges (AIAPAC) who is also the founder-director of the Sh Rama Kant Vyas Mahila Shikshak Prashkshan Mahavidyalaya, Jhunjhunu Rajasthan spoke to Autar Nehru after he shared dais with union HRD minister Dr Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishant at the inauguration function of the newly consturcted state-of-the art 4-storeyed office …

Presence of Top ministers in the celebratory event signals renewed Govt push to Skill India Mission and in particular to apprenticeships

4th Anniversary of WORLD YOUTH SKILLS DAY: July 15 is the World Youth Skills Day and the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) for the past four years has been celebrating the day in a high profile manner ostensibly to promote Skill India initiative announced by the Prime Minister Modi. A regular to the event for the past three …

Life Skills Olympiad (ILSO) 2019, launched in 100+ Countries

Skillizen Learning Foundation, a Singapore based global socio-educational company, announces the launch of registrations for International Life Skills Olympiad, 2019. “International Life Skills Olympiad (ILSO) is the world’s 1st and only Olympiad that tests young children’s Life Skills Aptitude. This global test is specifically designed for school children (including home-schooled ones) from Class III to XII. This test will primarily focus …

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