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KASHIYATRA—the annual social-cultural festival of IIT (BHU) Varanasi from 17th Jan for 3 days

Kashiyatra is the annual social-cultural festival of IIT (BHU) Varanasi. The three-day fiesta will commence its 17th January with the opening ceremony followed  by intense competition  between nore than 3000 participants  from 600 different colleges of India in the disciplines of music, dance, literature, quiz and arts over the next three days. While the events promise to leave an everlasting …

IIM Sirmaur’s first ever fest ‘Sierra 2k19’  from 18-20 January

Sierra 2K19, the first annual cultural, management and sports festival of Institute of Management, Sirmaur (Himachal Pradesh) is scheduled for 18th-20th of January, 2019. Driven by its 160 student-strong batch, this center of learning throws open its doors to students across the nation to experience the spirit of competitiveness and enjoyment with the serene backdropof the Himalayan ranges. Backed by …

“Let’s Colour” program launched in SOS Children’s Villages of India

 AkzoNobel, a paints and coats MNC and makers of Dulux Paints in India, on Jan 11 announced its partnership with SOS Children’s Villages of India with the objective of helping the latter’s skill development initiatives with AkzoNobel’s “Let’s Colour” program. At international level, partnership between AkzoNobel and SOS Children’s Villages International has been already launched in 2017. In 2018, Let’s …

Prime Minister’s “Pariksha Pe Charcha 2.0” on Jan 29

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be interacting with a cross section of Students, Teachers and Parents for another exciting edition – Pariksha Pe Charcha 2.0 at Talkatora Stadium, New Delhi on 29th January’19. The PM will interact with students, parents, teachers discuss issues relating to exam life and stress connected with that. Last year Prime Minister Narendra Modi had presented his book ‘Exam …

‘Android Apps targeting Children are not Privacy Friendly’ in India

Children’s Apps are not Privacy-friendly and do not adhere to many basic Privacy Principles &Practices says a study done by ArrkaInfosec Pvt. Ltd (Arrka), a niche player specializing in Data Privacy & Info Security.. It was also concluded that factors like lack of consent, excessive permissions and needless privacy-intrusive features like in-App ads and in-App purchase options are some of …

‘Tata Steel MaterialNEXT’ competition

Tata Steel Advanced Materials Research Centre (TSAMRC), in collaboration with the Entrepreneurship Cell, IIT Madras is hosting a competition ‘Tata Steel MaterialNEXT’ that offers a chance to the budding researcher, technology developer and enthusiasts in the field of advanced materials, to propose, produce and present their solution model to the existing industrial challenges and breakthrough innovations to experts. ‘Tata Steel …

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