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St. George’s University, Grenada seeks intelligent, dedicated, passionate students from India

St. George’s University based in Grenada Island (Caribbean) and set up in 1976 is a big name in medical education in the United States—as well as Grenada, Botswana, Trinidad and Tobago, and other countries around the world.  Like in the past 40 years, in 2018, SGU students and graduates obtained a record number of residency placements. As a reputed medical …

Unfinished Agenda in School Education

It is important to prioritize between foundational structure and refurbishing of an edifice, societal, governmental or economic. In the past four years and nine months, the current NDA government at the centre has made the latter choice, that is cosmetic interventions in school education to keep hopes of 25 crore children alive, and by that extension future human capital of …

Activists formulate ‘Public manifesto’ on education to politicize RTE in 2019 national elections

At least three combinations of civil society groups have come together to impact the next year’s Parliamentary elections with education issues. Right to Education Forum, a network of 10,000 activists and groups from more than 20 states, Campaign Against Child Labor (CACL) and Alliance for the Right to Early Education Development have joined hands to launch a national campaign to …

Google Web Rangers contest announced, entries deadline by Jan 21, 2019

Google has announced the fourth edition of its Web Rangers contest — an initiative that is designed to spread awareness about Internet safety and promote digital citizenship. The competition aims to encourage teenagers to discover their hidden ninjas and unlock their creativity in highlighting the importance of cyber safety. The contest is open to students across the country within the …

UK graduates produce guide to ‘zero-waste’ Christmas

Two graduates who have spent more than two years living waste-free have produced a special festive guide to help people enjoy a zero-waste Christmas. Former Birmingham City University (UK) students Charlotte Watkivs and Anna Jackson, have produced the guide to help people reduce their waste and impact on the environment over the festive season, offering advice on removing waste from trees, …

CAT 2018 Slot 2 Analysis

  The Paper Pattern: ‘Forewarned is forearmed’ is a piece of timeless wisdom. So, students who went into the second slot expecting a similar paper as that of the first slot (or for that matter the CAT 2017 paper) were on the right track. It too started with an ‘easy’ VARC section. The passages were on similar lines as those …

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