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News: QS University Rankings Asia out, 17 Indian universities make grade

THE NEW EDITION OF THE QS University Rankings: Asia, released on May 13, sees significant change at the very top of the table. With the National University of Singapore (NUS) reaching the top spot, this the first time in the ranking’s six-year history that the table has not been headed by a Hong Kong-based institution. Fellow Singaporean climber Nanyang Technological …

Editorial: Right to education in Jammu & Kashmir shouldn’t be politicized

IN LIGHT OF  THE EMPHATIC WIN BY THE BJP-LED National Democratic Alliance (NDA),  one issue that is going to vex public discourse either way is Article 370 of the Indian constitution,  which determines relationship of Jammu & Kashmir with the Indian union. On one side there are those who have been fed on the thought that two constitutions shouldn’t exist …

Red Brick Bylanes and Lesson Plans

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     curriculum-magazine The second column in the series is the first person account of the writer at Modern English School (MES) Guwahati, where she is …

This Summer Holidays Spending Ideas

As schools & colleges break for  summer vacation next month (that is May),  We thought of sharing a few perspectives from educationists & experts to add some degree of wisdom to  your planning  for  spending these holidays. VACATIONS CAN NEVER BE what these used to mean to yesteryear generation– freedom from learning. Today, a child is burdened by more learning …

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