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Awards & Recognitions

News Plus: Sep-Oct 2014

IITs top ranked in Entrepreneurship Education Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) are ranked fourth on a list of 50 best entrepreneurial undergraduate institutes in the world. This was revealed by the union HRD Minister Smriti Irani at a conclave organized by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) on September 19  to discuss the relevance and importance of “Entrepreneurship”, …

TEACHERS DAY or STUDENTS DAY?Live televised Modi’s Pathshala an instant hit, but teachers’ issues still on fringes as India celebrated yet another Teachers Day on September 5

In a welcome change Prime Minister Narendra Modi went live on national television and webcast for a good one and a half hours on September 5, the birthday of former President, philopsopher & educationist Dr Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, which is designated as the national teachers day in India, and interacted with students across the country. An estimated 9.51 crore children …

List of teachers who were awarded National Award on Teachers Day 2014

  Andhra Pradesh : Govada Ajai Babu,  V. Dasappa, Bandla Veera Raghavaiah, Singa Nagabhushanachari, Kothuri Suseela Kumari, Yajjala Muraliveni, Pakala Jeevarathnam, Kondamallela Nagaraju, Inkollu Ranga Rao, CH. John Ratnam.  Arunachal Pradesh: Hage Bibijan, Mito Riba. Assam: Rina Bhattacharjee , Khagendra Nath Chetia Phukan, Khiren Chandra Kakati, Gopal Chamuah, Md. Tazimuddin Ahmed , Damayanti Devi, Shafiqur Rahman, Abdul Mozid Khan, Ranju …

BloodConnect celebrates the ‘Screams of Joy’

BloodConnect, a Delhi-based non-profit youth initiative (NGO), which works with a mission ‘to solve the problem of blood shortage in India’ celebrated its fourth anniversary on August 9 with a rock concert. Renowned music band Parikrama, which performed on the occasion left an estimated 1500 students of Delhi University and colleges enthralled. This year, BloodConnect, an organisation which was launched …

Lakshmipat Singhania – IIM Lucknow National Leadership awards to six ‘leaders’

Vice-President of India Hamid Ansari bestowed the 9th Lakshmipat Singhania  IIM Lucknow National Leadership Awards on the six winners announced on May 27 at a special function in New Delhi.  The winners of the award given in three categoriesbusiness, science & technology and community service in senior and young sub-categories to individuals in recognition of their outstanding social contribution and …

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