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AIU supports Govt decision on UGC recycling

Prof Sandeep Sancheti, vice chancellor, SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai ( formerly also known as SRM University) was elected as the 97th president of the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) and assumed office on July 10. (AIU established in 1925 has 720 HEIs as its members and represents universities of India. It acts as a collective liaison agency …

IT rush is passé, India & the world needs Good Engineers: Can Indian students rise to the occasion?

IT & ITES boom as it happened in the first decade of this century required thousands of engineers, coders, administrators, managers and what not. Consequently, as the world was taken over by IT revolution, IT services and development companies, which mushroomed themselves in the period, required armies of workers and recruited engineers across the disciplines, trained them and fanned them …

Education Framework for Human Potential’ by Chrysalis

Chennai-based education company, Chrysalis (Formerly EZ Vidya) on November 16 unveiled an academic programme based on the ‘Framework for Human Potential’ developed by it over past several years, and on its basis backed by research has designed solutions (a combination of books and ICT material along with teacher empowering sessions)  from KG upto class VI after ‘beta testing’ it successfully …

Schools need to be proactive in Safety and Security issues: Experts

The recent hullaballoo over lax and/or neglected school safety and security regulations after a couple of on-campus incidents created widespread public outrage, is giving anxious and scary time to all school managements and school leaders particular those of private schools in India. And, not without valid reasons!  For instance, Haryana didn’t had any guidelines for schools before the September 8 …

Auroville carries on to ‘save’ the world

Auroville, a town situated between Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry on a 20 sq km area will complete 50 years of its existence on February 28, 2018. The occasion presents an opportunity to look at the birth and vision of Auroville and its relevance for India and the world especially in contemporary ‘volatile’ times. Auroville recently (in last week of November) …

UNESCO Global Education Monitoring (GEM) report released: Lessons in plenty

This year’s Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report released on October 24 in Paris by UNESCO, among several key recommendations has called upon the governments to design accountability for schools and teachers that is supportive and avoid punitive mechanisms, especially those based on narrow performance measures, allow for democratic participation, respect media freedom to scrutinize education and set up independent institutions …

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