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HIGHER EDUCATION HOCUS-POCUS: The higher education system in India not on solid footing

Its organic growth severed & stunted; long years of ignorance, outmaneuvering and gimmickry by politician-bureaucratic combine may be responsible for country’s poor showing in higher education and  stopping India from emerging as an international education destination The GST levy imposed on on higher education yet again supports such an argument   In the last fortnight, the state of higher education …

Under provisioning of Public Education has co-relation with Quality, but nobody is talking it

At a national consultation meet organized by RTE Forum, a collective of national education groups and networks in New Delhi on July 22, a study of 10 states made by CRY (Child Rights & You) and Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability (CBGA) made it clear that under provisioning of public school education is a big factor in poor quality of …

Australia to support India to achieve its skills ambitions

By Simon Birmingham, Minister for Education and Training, Australia THE DEMAND FOR SKILLS … I mention this because of course the history of building in India is rich, but the demand for such skills today is very much perhaps at the top of India’s immediate capabilities and demands. Research by KPMG India found that the number of people working in …

Major higher education reforms may happen through export services route

That there is a need for India to focus on improving infrastructure and quality in higher education as its demand is huge not only within the country but also outside, may come good for this crucial segment of education. An estimated 2.30 lakh students from India go for studying abroad annually and involves a commerce of about $ 17 billion, …

The Ailing Higher Education System Needs a Fix in NEW EDUCATION POLICY

THE ‘DEFINITION’ of a university as told by India’s first Prime Minister Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru while addressing the graduates of Allahabad University in 1947 will remain timeless and relevant whenever one thinks hard about an ideal university. He had said, “A University stands for humanism, for tolerance, for reason, for the adventure of ideas and for the search of truth. …

New Activism by CBSE to regulate better

Ever since the new chairman R K Chaturvedi took over office on July 26, CBSE or the central board of secondary education, the pan India secondary education board with over 17,500 affiliated schools, has suddenly come to ‘regulatory’ life. One after another,  CBSE has started to revisit regulatory issues in the last couple of months. It began by issuing an …

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