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Career in AR/VR technologies is a big opportunity with a promising future

AR/VR technologies are laying down new immersion cyber ways and specialists in this area are becoming more and more in demand in the market. The number of jobs for developers who specialize in creating immersive digital experiences will likely skyrocket in the coming years. India has been witnessing high growth in the AR/VR market and is expected to grow 5-fold …

Electric Vehicles Industry offers a lot of scope for bright careers

By Dr. Pardeep Kumar, PVC, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies Government of India has initiated a variety of policies to aid in the adoption of EVs throughout the nation, such as: FAME (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of {Hybrid and} Electric Vehicles) is one such policy for boosting electric transportation, introduced at the national level in 2015 by DHI …

Overcoming Industry-academia disconnect needs B-school curricula to deliver a perfect blend of ‘knowledge, skillsets and behaviour’

Post-pandemic, the business world is evolving towards an ‘employee centric’ mindset. Organizations are recognizing that employee-engagement and employee-delight is paramount, and is possibly the only way which leads to customer-centricity and customer-delight. Employee being the most valuable asset, is becoming louder, both in words and deeds! The agenda of transforming the organizational skill-sets and ‘employee mindset’ lies at the epi-centre …

How to be Robotic Automation Lead Design Specialist?

In the current times Robotics has captured the imagination of the youth and many are interested in taking up a career in the field of robotics. One must ask the question to oneself before taking up a career in robotics. Does Robotics and Automation thrill me? If answer is yes, then read on. Whatever your motive, you can start a …

Career Opportunities in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

By Amit Andre, CEO, The Data Tech Lab Inc. GARTNER’S STUDY predicted that, by 2021, 80% of new technologies will be AI-based, while IDC predicts that by 2021, 75% of commercial applications will have an AI component. Even in the post-pandemic era, data science and analytics are still a top priority for 45 per cent of businesses. He affirms that …

Career opportunity in Retail Sector as Visual Merchandiser

By Dr. Roopak Vasishtha, CEO & Director General, AMHSSC Visual Merchandising is critically important in the ever-evolving fashion industry as well as creating a strong brand identity. It is a rapidly emerging sector and there are good career prospects in this field. Visual Merchandising is the art of creating visually appealing displays that attract customers to the store and promote …

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