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environment education

Prepare for zero-carbon economy over next 30 years

A two-day International Conference on Sustainability Education was held in Delhi on Sep 9-10 where experts, academicians, activists and practitioners felt mainstreaming sustainability in education is still a huge but necessary challenge Inauguration ceremony Even as the UNESCO’s Global Action Programme (GAP) on Education for Sustainable Development, which expires later this year and a new framework is being worked out …

Bringing back focus to people issues and sustainability through development management

As compared to academic courses such as Masters in Social Work (MSW) or MA in Development etc being taught in academic institutions for a long time in the country, development management is a novel and innovative concept of recent years. In fact, the three-year old Indian School of Development Management (ISDM) based in Delhi is perhaps the only disruption that …

UK graduates produce guide to ‘zero-waste’ Christmas

Two graduates who have spent more than two years living waste-free have produced a special festive guide to help people enjoy a zero-waste Christmas. Former Birmingham City University (UK) students Charlotte Watkivs and Anna Jackson, have produced the guide to help people reduce their waste and impact on the environment over the festive season, offering advice on removing waste from trees, …

GREEN SCHOOL PROGRAMME Awards: Kendriya Vidyalaya Schools steal the show

That Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs) or Central Schools continue to be ‘the best school model’  in India was proved yet again, when two KVs from Kerala–Kendriya Vidyalaya Ottapalam and Kendriya Vidyalaya Army Cantt, Pangode—walked away with the prestigious Changemakers Award at the  Green School Programme Awards ceremony held in New Delhi on February 7. In all five awards were given in …

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