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Higher Education

Memorial for Management Education Guru and Great Lakes founder, Dr. Bala V. Balachandran installed at Chennai campus

Dr. Bala V. Balachandran (1937-2021), a legend in management education and a successful edupreneur, who founded the Great Lakes Institute of Management, will continue to make his presence felt through a memorial built in his memory and honor at Chennai campus. The memorial offers homage to Professor Balachandran, while serving as a space for visitors to sit and spend time highlighting …

‘Engineering’ Hackfest-23 winners declared

The winners of the Hackfest-23, one of the most prominent engineering competitions in South India, across three domains – Electronics, Digitization, and Mechanical, have been announced by the organizers– AXISCADES Technologies Ltd. and Mistral Solutions Pvt. Ltd on July 4. The teams were evaluated based on their creativity, technical excellence, totality of solution and socio-industrial impact. After careful deliberation, the …

UGC (Institutions Deemed to be Universities) Regulations, 2023

Superseding the UGC (Institutions Deemed to be Universities) Regulations 2019, the new Regulations are built on the principle of a “light but tight” regulatory framework envisioned in the National Education Policy 2020. There are around 170 deemed institutions in the country currently and were faced with a kind of uncertainty since 2010 in face of standoff with the regulators and public …

UKRI and ERC fund University of Dundee’s Gene “Video Editing” for cancer and neurodegenerative disease drug discovery research

The researchers at the University of Dundee have received funding of £4.4 million to explore how our genes can be ‘video-edited’ to develop new drugs for cancer, neurodegeneration, and other diseases. Genes are the pieces of DNA that contain the information required to make different types of proteins that build and maintain living organisms. Alternative splicing enables the production of …

NIRF Rankings 2023: IIT Madras overall number 1

The 8th edition of India Ranking was released in New Delhi by the union MoS Dr. Rajkumar Ranjan Singh in presence of top officials of various higher education regulatory bodies and ministry along with delegates from the top ranking HEIs that were felicitated on the occasion. This year the total participation has gone upto 8686 HEIs, number of categories and subject …

‘EduLocker’ is being planned along with upgradation of ‘One-Nation, One-Data Platform’: NETF chairman

The National Educational Technology Forum (NETF) headed by former AICTE chairman Dr Anil Sahasrabuddhe is working on making ‘EduLocker’ a reality with registries of the entire ecosystem including students, teachers, institutions (both schools and colleges). The system is envisaged to keep digital registry of every student right from school and will include records from formal informal, sports, cultural and other …

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