Home Spotlight (page 57)


The pandemic response and changes have given us a glimpse of how school education could change in the long term

By: Shobha Mishra Ghosh, Asst. Secretary General, FICCI In the current scenario, India has become the second largest market for e-learning after the US. Users of online education in India are expected to reach 9.5 million by 2021 from 1.9 million in 2017-18. With the current outbreak these estimates will overpass all such estimates. On its part, FICCI, under the …

Online classes are becoming the new normal for many schools

Online classes is work of a resilient community where schools, teachers and parents—are collaboratively coming together to keep the flame of learning:—burning, writes Autar Nehru The novel CoronaVirus or COVID-19 as specified by the World Health Organization (WHO) after  becoming the most serious health security threat world over since its outbreak in December last year in the Chinese city of …

Future Becomes Present As Coronavirus Makes Education Go Online

Interestingly, online learning was projected as the future of learning but has today emerged at the forefront as the world has been gripped by fear as the coronavirus pandemic is spreading like wildfire in many parts of the world. Minal Anand, CEO & Co-Founder of GuruQ offers insights into learning in times of COVID 19 Lockdowns, an unprecedented step of …

What is Turning Juveniles to Heinous Crime?

Seasoned Academicians* from newly set up Jindal Institute of Behavioral Sciences (JIBS), JGU, Sonepat, try to provide an answer   “What makes the teens (adolescents) commit heinous crimes such as rape?” The answer to this question is highly complex. Mental health studies indicate that currently adolescents are low on resilience, grit, hope, tolerance, and high on aggression, conflict, mood modification …

Make Your Child Feel special THIS CHILDREN’S DAY

In India, every year 14th November, the birth anniversary of country’s first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru is celebrated as the National Children’s Day or Bal Diwas in Hindi. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru was very fond of children, who called him Chacha Nehru lovingly and that is the reason behind celebrating his birth anniversary as Children’s Day.   Schools organize many …

Young victims of cyberbullying twice as likely to attempt suicide and self-harm, study finds

Children and young people under-25 who become victims of cyberbullying are more than twice as likely to enact self-harm and attempt suicide than non-victims. And the perpetrators of cyberbullying are also more likely to experience suicidal thoughts and behaviours, researchers say. The study, which is a collaboration of a number of researchers from across the UK, including the University of …

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