JEE(Advance) may be held in August; UGC NET 2020 and CBSE 12th Board examinations will be announced soon
During the one hour online interaction (webinar) today, Union HRD Minister, Ramesh Pokhriyal responded to the various concerns and queries of the students relating to school examinations, entrance examinations, Academic Calendar, online education, Fees, Mental health of students, international students, fellowships among others.
The minister announced the dates of pending entrance examinations. He informed that the NEET will be held on 26thJuly, 2020. He further informed that JEE MAIN will be held on 18th, 20th, 21st, 22nd and 23rdJuly, 2020. He added that JEE(Advance) may be held in August . He said that the date of UGC NET 2020 and CBSE 12th Board examinations will be announced soon.
While responding to the query relating to fee hike for NITs, IITs & IIITs for academic year 20-21, the Minister said that there will be no fees increase for IIT, IIITs and NITs for the academic year 2020-21.
Regarding the concerns raised by students relating to board examinations, the Minister clarified that the Board will conduct examinations for only main subjects that will be required for promotion and maybe crucial for admissions in higher educational institutions. He informed of the CBSE decision of conducting examination for 29 subjects and an announcement will be made in coming days.

Regarding the migration of students of NavodayaVidyalayas to their respective states and home, the Minister informed that the migration process for all schools is being pursued and it has got momentum with a DO letter from MHRD to State Chief Secretaries. He informed that out of 173 Schools, more than 62 schools have initiated the process. All Schools wherein migrated students are there, are being monitored regularly. Students on movement are given sanitizers, masks, small soaps and eatables like snacks made from JNV mess. He added that all JNVs en route to travel are supporting these students with food, stay, snacks and healthcare.