Home Education New Education Policy 33 discussion themes

New Education Policy 33 discussion themes

2 min read

The government on January 26 launched the exhaustive exercise for holding consultations aimed at the drafting of a new national education policy and invited suggestions and discussions on the following 33 themes:

School Education

  1. Ensuring Learning Outcomes in Elementary Education
  2. Extending outreach of Secondary and Senior Secondary Education
  3. Strengthening of Vocational Education
  4. Reforming School Examination Systems
  5. Revamping Teacher Education for Quality Teachers
  6. Accelerating rural literacy with special emphasis on Women, SCs, STs & Minorities through Adult Education and National Open Schooling Systems
  7. Promotion of Information and Communication Technology systems in school and adult education
  8. New Knowledge, pedagogies and approaches for teaching of Science, Maths and Technology in School Education to improve learning outcomes of Students
  9. School standards, School assessment and School Management systems
  10. Enabling Inclusive Education – education of Girls, SCs, STs, Minorities and children with special needs
  11. Promotion of Languages
  12. Comprehensive Education – Ethics, Physical Education, Arts & Crafts, Life Skills
  13. Focus on Child Health

Higher Education

  1. Governance reforms for quality
  2. Ranking of institutions and accreditations
  3. Improving the quality of regulation
  4. Pace setting roles of central institutions
  5. Improving State public universities
  6. Integrating skill development in higher education
  7. Promoting Open and Distance Learning (ODL) and online courses
  8. Opportunities for technology enabled learning
  9. Addressing regional disparity
  10. Bridging gender and social gaps
  11. Linking higher education to society
  12. Developing the best teachers
  13. Sustaining student support systems
  14. Promote cultural integration through language
  15. Meaningful partnership with the private sector
  16. Financing higher education
  17. Internationalization of higher education
  18. Engagement with industry to link education to employability
  19. Promoting research and innovation
  20. New Knowledge


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