Home News Updates Shipping sector upskilling to be jointly undertaken by MSDE & Shipping ministry

Shipping sector upskilling to be jointly undertaken by MSDE & Shipping ministry

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With umpteen focus laid on skilling and building quality manpower in the shipping sector and address the increasing need for skilled workforce in the ports and maritime sector, the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) and The Ministry of Shipping (MoS) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for creating a robust framework driven by the concerted efforts of the two ministries. The collaboration will provide a pathway to existing and retired employees of institutions under MoS to work as assessor or trainer basis the training under relevant courses. Basis the assessment, the ministries will establish a coordinating committee to monitor and manage the implementation of the MoU. MSDE will also assist in mobilizing of private sector and CSR funding for skill development efforts in the port and maritime sector. 

 The partnership will help in effective implementation of training modules, assessment and the certification process of the candidates. In crucial times like these, there is an immense need to build strategies for skilling, reskilling and upskilling the workforce in key sectors. MSDE will identify existing Qualification Packs and develop new Qualification Packs -National Occupational Standards (QP – NOS) aligned with NSQF levels for various job roles in the sectors as per the existing demand of ports and maritime unit.  

With its vision to create a skilling ecosystem of global standards, MSDE will perform the mapping of curriculum to QP – NOS for standardized training delivery through selected training partners of National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC).

Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey, Skill Development and Entrepreneurship minister, said, “Maritime transport is a critical segment that propels the economic development of our country. This strategic partnership with The Ministry of Shipping is also derived from the same motto. It is aimed in the direction in which our initiatives support our workforce by skilling them and builds their competencies up to global standards. It is my belief, that with the right assistance, training and exposure our youth will reach newer heights and will contribute in the growth of the shipping sector. I congratulate the Ministry of Shipping for undertaking this endeavor which will help create a job-ready workforce and support in imbibing both- traditional and new-age skills.” 

In consultation with the ports and maritime sector, MSDE will also develop relevant course curriculum, content in conjunction with the suitable Sector Skill Councils (SSCs). For example, Tourism and Hospitality Sector Skill Council (SSC) for Cruise Tourism, Logistics SSC for logistics, Agriculture SSC for fisheries, Strategic Manufacturing & Capital Goods SSC for ship building, ship repair and ship breaking, other appropriate SSC for Dredging, Offshore supply chain, tsunami preparedness, multi-task assistant technician and more. MSDE will facilitate access and leverage its existing infrastructure at Industrial Training Institutes, National Skill Training Institutes (NSTIs), Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendras (PMKKs) and other training centers to train manpower required as per the skill gap analysis with a focus on the needs of river districts, backwater districts and coastal districts. 

The support in funding the implementation of various skilling initiatives wherever applicable and feasible under the Sagarmala Mission will be extended by the MoS. Under the partnership, MoS will facilitate implementation of activities related to skill development and upgradation not only through institutions under MoSand autonomous bodies but also through the involvement of private sector. 

MoS will also facilitate the identification and availability of infrastructure that can be leveraged for development of skill development centers and utilization of the same as In-situ Training hubs. This would include developing 5-10 shipping cabins to deploy remote training and practical whereby instead of investing in developing classroom training infrastructure, some ships can be customized with mobile classrooms to deploy training to remote areas. 

Maritime Transport is an imperative for the social and economic development of a country. It influences the pace, structure and pattern of development. The Ministry of Shipping encompasses within its fold shipping and ports sectors which include Shipbuilding and Ship-repair, Major Ports, National Waterways, and Inland Water Transport. 

Other significant outcomes under the MoU are: 

  • Facilitating development of port and maritime sector through TVET agreements signed for skill development with international partners 
  • Providing best practices from relevant institutions in public and private sector pertaining to teaching aids, continuous lifelong learning, recognition of prior learning, teaching methodology, qualifications, credits, technology use, learning systems and research, etc. in the skill development field 
  • Facilitating the enhancement of skill levels of personnel in priority areas through setting up of Trade Specialization Centers/Centres of Excellence especially for Ports & Maritime sector 
  • Setting-up Multi-skill Development Centres for higher order skills in collaboration with DGT or NSDC through PPP model for skill training 
  • Facilitating Training of Trainers (ToTs) and Training of Assessors (ToA) through empanelment with relevant SSCs or through any other mechanism 
  • Raising the quality of work in institutions under MoS to hire skilled and certified personnel, putting in policy for incentivizing skill training and certificate in recruitment process and certification of RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) of skilled/semi-skilled people 
  • Maximizing apprenticeship training in coordination with NSDC and DGT, as permitted under the amended Apprentices Act, 1961 
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