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BloodConnect celebrates the ‘Screams of Joy’

BloodConnect, a Delhi-based non-profit youth initiative (NGO), which works with a mission ‘to solve the problem of blood shortage in India’ celebrated its fourth anniversary on August 9 with a rock concert. Renowned music band Parikrama, which performed on the occasion left an estimated 1500 students of Delhi University and colleges enthralled. This year, BloodConnect, an organisation which was launched …

Success Tips for Fresh MBAs joining the Corporate World

EVERY YEAR IN JULY-AUGUST, the Corporate World is ready to provide a red carpet welcome to the MBA’s. These MBA (PGDBA, PGDHRM, and MMS…) students having completed two year of professional management education are now on the verge of an exciting career. An enviable clan, since not only do companies woo them during campus recruitment with fancy salaries but also …

Civil Services Examination Cauldron

The uncertainty of several weeks over civil services preliminary examination of this year is over and will be held as per schedule on August 24. There has been a high pitched agitation against Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT) first introduced in 2011 and the new pattern introduced in the Main examination in 2013 besides other issues concerning aspirants of the …

JD INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY’S BUDDING DESIGNERS Explore diminishing Arts and crafts, showcase ‘revival ‘designs

Delhi-based JD Institute of Fashion Technology (esb 1988) with 25 centres & campuses held its four-day annual fest from August 4 which concluded with  its JD Annual Design Awards on August 7 in New Delhi. This four-day festival of creativity showcased the creations designed by the students of fashion, interior and jewellery design departments on the theme ‘Responsibility’ highlighting the …

Learning via Social Networks

CRITICS DESCRIBE SOCIAL networking sites as gateway to unsociable and unproductive conduct, evidence support these sites also develop technology proficiency, improve social skills, and cultivate collectivelearning practices. Continuous improvements and innovation in personal technology and growth of online communities have redefined what it means to be social, and consequently this is re-exploring what it means to teach and be taught.Social …

New Paradigm in Skills Education on Horizon

On August 14, the Lok Sabha passed the Apprentices (Amendment) Bill 2014, a landmark legislative labor reform, which could potentially shake up the entire skill development architecture in the country after it becomes a law (the Rajya Sabha has yet to pass it) THE MUCH DESIRED amendments to the 53-year-old archaic Apprentice Act, 1961 have crossed the first hurdle as …

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