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Campus Plus: Featured news snippets from academic world

  Hindu College, Delhi, India’s Most Trusted Educational Institute Hindu College, Delhi, has been voted India’s Most Trusted Educational Institute in a study by TRA (formerly Trust Research Advisory), a brand analytics and insights company. The study, titled ‘India’s Most Trusted Educational Institutes  2014-’15’ (MTEI) was conducted among 7710 respondents across 40 cities. Ranked 2nd on the Most Trusted list …

BloodConnect celebrates the ‘Screams of Joy’

BloodConnect, a Delhi-based non-profit youth initiative (NGO), which works with a mission ‘to solve the problem of blood shortage in India’ celebrated its fourth anniversary on August 9 with a rock concert. Renowned music band Parikrama, which performed on the occasion left an estimated 1500 students of Delhi University and colleges enthralled. This year, BloodConnect, an organisation which was launched …

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