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EXAM SEASON SPECIAL:Taming the ‘killer’ stress

In the past few years, psychological as well physiological disorders linked to increased Mental Stress levels in the run up (preparation) to exams and during the  exam periods, has emerged as one of the biggest health problems among school going students especially teenagers. Till the time our education system which is more of an examination system, makes systemic corrections, we …

ICT-laden paradigm in Teaching/learning : ICT-laden paradigm in Teaching/learning :

By Rupesh Kumar Shah, CEO, InOpen Technologies EVEN TODAY THE BASICS OF language and arithmetic remain the ever sturdy foundation upon which all real life pursuits draw their application, however,  these have been disrupted by information and communication technologies (ICTs) in 21st century. Together these technologies include computers, the Internet, telephones, television,  radio etc ubiquitous,  unassumingly stealthy are  rendering us hooked, …

A Peep into China’s Vocational Education System: Lessons for India

Last year, the Institute of Applied Manpower Research (IAMR)  of the erstwhile Planning Commission published a research paper, ‘China’s skill development & training; Lessons for India.” We are reproducing its  abridged summary while wondering why Govt didn’t take any lessons till date from this evidence For the past two decades, the Chinese economy has been growing by over 10 per …

Ethical Hacker: A cyber cop for cyber criminals

YOU HEARD THE SAYING, “To catch a criminal, you have to think like one!” Ethical hacking or legal hacking involves breaking into systems and servers with an objective of making them more secure and uncovering vulnerabilities to shield them from cyber attacks. Apart from just protection from criminal cyber activities, the ethical hacker also plays a pivotal role in other …

Success Tips for Fresh MBAs joining the Corporate World

EVERY YEAR IN JULY-AUGUST, the Corporate World is ready to provide a red carpet welcome to the MBA’s. These MBA (PGDBA, PGDHRM, and MMS…) students having completed two year of professional management education are now on the verge of an exciting career. An enviable clan, since not only do companies woo them during campus recruitment with fancy salaries but also …

Learning via Social Networks

CRITICS DESCRIBE SOCIAL networking sites as gateway to unsociable and unproductive conduct, evidence support these sites also develop technology proficiency, improve social skills, and cultivate collectivelearning practices. Continuous improvements and innovation in personal technology and growth of online communities have redefined what it means to be social, and consequently this is re-exploring what it means to teach and be taught.Social …

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