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School Education

Delhi’s Legislative Reform on Education: Hit the nails on the heads or tails of ‘wages’

 On December 2, 2015, Delhi Govt ploughed through the 42-year old ‘tough’ and historic Delhi Education Act of 1973 and passed two amendment bills to align the school education law with ‘ground realities.’  The day didn’t stop there. AAP government dared the wisdom of ‘no detention policy’ of the RTE Act and through a third bill took a lead to …


About eight schools from different parts of world were in Delhi for the annual meeting of the Global Schools’ Alliance (esb 2012) last month (October 13-16). Gurgaon-based Vega Schools, an upcoming CBSE-affiliated K-12 school to be inaugurated in January 2016 played host to the international event.  Sandy Hooda, co-founder of Vega schools spoke with Autar Nehru about the meet and …

Catch 22 like situation on ‘No detention Policy’

According to a statement issued soon after the first meeting of the reconstituted CABE (Central Advisory Board of Education, the apex advisory panel on education in India) committee that took place on August 19, in New Delhi, there is a broad census among states to do away with the ‘No detention Policy’ and bring back assessment (examination). Barring Karnataka, almost …

Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan (RAA) launched, aims for developing Scientific Temper Among School Children

Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan (RAA) developed by the Ministry of Human Resource Development that aims to inculcate a spirit of inquiry, creativity and love for Science and Mathematics in school children was lauched in New Delhi by the former President, Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam on….. Under Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan, government schools will be mentored by Institutes like IITs/ IIMs/ IISERs and …

5th Anniversary of Right to Education Act: Defeated Implementation

March 31, 2015 marked the fifth anniversary of the Right to Education Act. It was the time to meet the final deadline set under the Act whereby all teachers were to have minimum qualifications. However, like the past two deadlines (on pupil teacher ratio (PTR) and infrastructure provision), the historic law missed this milestone as well.  And the government yet …

Young filmmakers win Australia trip Students from Vibgyor High School in Pune and STEP by STEP School in Noida beat 96 other entrants in a competition to produce short films for the International Schools Video Competition organised by Cambridge English and the Australian Trade Commission. The winning young filmmakers from these two schools have won study trips of one week …

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