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Ministry of Human Resource Development

Reading Print is learning

E-content is enjoyable, doesn’t contribute to learning. A sure way of driving children away from screens (devices) is getting them into habit of reading books.   Under Samagra Scheme, integrated scheme of school education that has subsumed SSA, RMSA and Teacher Education this year, schools are given Rs 20, 000 grant to buy books from National Book Trust (NBT) and …

Committee to Frame the New Education Policy constituted

After, what it called collaborative, multi-stakeholder and multi-pronged consultation process held over last eight months for formulating the New Education Policy, the union ministry of Human Resources Development after facing flak and criticism from nearly all quarters, seasoned experts and educationist over the way it rolled out the process, has now constituted a Drafting Committee for framing the New Education …

India towards a New Education Policy Framework

Going by the public utterances of the MHRD, India will have a new national policy on education by the end of this year. Though there is hardly any clue as to how the ongoing consultations at ‘various levels’ are being processed and ultimately how the new policy will be put to ‘vote’ for approval, there is still time left to …

Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan (RAA) launched, aims for developing Scientific Temper Among School Children

Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan (RAA) developed by the Ministry of Human Resource Development that aims to inculcate a spirit of inquiry, creativity and love for Science and Mathematics in school children was lauched in New Delhi by the former President, Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam on….. Under Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan, government schools will be mentored by Institutes like IITs/ IIMs/ IISERs and …

New National Education Policy Formulation Initiated-Stage 1: Online Public Participation

After  29 long years, Here comes the chance to redefine & reform India’s education priorities and system In a major initiative on education sector, the union government on Republic Day this year (January 26) launched web-based consultations on website http://www.mygov.in for preparing a draft on a New Education Policy on Education in the country.  A set of 33 themes have …

News Plus: Education Day Report & all Nov News

National Child Awards The President of India, Pranab Mukherjee presented the National Child Awards for Exceptional Achievement 2014 to give recognition to children with exceptional abilities and outstanding achievement in various fields, Rajiv Gandhi Manav Seva Awards 2014 to individuals for their outstanding contribution towards service for children and National Awards for Child Welfare 2013 to institutions and individuals for …

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