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School/K-12 Education

NDTV enters into Education Awards space; holds inaugural on Feb 16

News channel NDTV and leducation company, Educomp joined hands to recognise and felicitate efforts made by schools, educators and administrators to impart quality education under multiple categories, across the country. Manish Sisodia, Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi, and Ustad Amjad Ali Khan, Sanjna Kapoor, Shantanu Prakash, CMD Educomp were some prominent figures who gave away the awards . NDTV anchors …


About eight schools from different parts of world were in Delhi for the annual meeting of the Global Schools’ Alliance (esb 2012) last month (October 13-16). Gurgaon-based Vega Schools, an upcoming CBSE-affiliated K-12 school to be inaugurated in January 2016 played host to the international event.  Sandy Hooda, co-founder of Vega schools spoke with Autar Nehru about the meet and …

Catch 22 like situation on ‘No detention Policy’

According to a statement issued soon after the first meeting of the reconstituted CABE (Central Advisory Board of Education, the apex advisory panel on education in India) committee that took place on August 19, in New Delhi, there is a broad census among states to do away with the ‘No detention Policy’ and bring back assessment (examination). Barring Karnataka, almost …

10th Annual Status of Education Report (ASER 2014) released

The latest Annual Status of Education Report (ASER), based on the largest annual household survey of children in rural India that focuses on the status of schooling and basic learning conducted by Mumbai-based Pratham (a voluntary organization)  was released on January 13 in New Delhi. ASER 2014 survey got conducted by local organizations and institutions in each district and reached …

News Plus: Dec 14-Jan 2015

  State Education Ministers Endorse Credit Framework for Skills, Choice Based Credit System Education ministers from all the States endorsed the Credit Framework for Skills and the new Choice Based Credit System Guidelines issued by the University Grants Commission at a meeting of all State Education Ministers looking after Higher/Technical Education, on 6th January 2015, to discuss adoption of the …

A ‘missionary’ School Movement

With a 125-strong primary-cum -senior secondary school chain operating under a single family run management across India, Mumbai-based Ryan International Group of Institutions (RIGI) is arguably the most successful private school enterprise in India and also the largest family-owned school chain. The group, while continuing with its expansion of setting up more schools in India and value addition to its …

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