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Science & Technology

MHI Center of Excellence & Industry Accelerator on AARTI to open at IIT Roorkee

The union Ministry of Heavy Industries (MHI) and the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee have joined hands to set up the Center of Excellence (CoE) on Automotive and Allied Research and Technology Innovations (AARTI) along with establishment of an Industry Accelerator at IIT Roorkee in collaboration with International Centre for Automotive Technology (ICAT). As India propels towards the global …

KGiSL Institute of Technology with Thoughtworks to develop Mobility Center for Driving Cutting-edge Research in Software-Defined Vehicles

KGiSL Institute of Technology (KITE), known for its commitment to cutting-edge technology and innovation, has announced a collaboration with Thoughtworks, a global technology consultancy, to fuel the innovation and development of new use cases and markets for autonomous vehicle technology. KITE and Thoughtworks have combined their expertise and resources to inaugurate a cutting-edge ‘Future Mobility Technology Center’, situated within the KITE …

Enriching 3-day National Workshop on Earth Sciences at IIT Roorkee concludes

The 3-day National Workshop on Earth Sciences held at the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR) concluded on December 29, 2023, marking a successful gathering of professionals and researchers from diverse disciplines within the field of Earth Sciences.  The workshop, with its diverse program encompassing Precambrian Geodynamics, Sedimentary Earth Surface Processes, Geophysical Techniques, and Emerging Tools in Earth Sciences, reflected …

IIT Roorkee announces its Research Awards of 2022

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IIT Roorkee) announces its Research Awards 2022. Every year, the institute presents these awards to recognize the awardees’ outstanding contributions to their chosen careers. IIT Roorkee Research Awards are open to all Indian nationals and have winners from various prestigious institutes nationwide. This time, it has five awardees in multiple categories, including the Khosla National Award …

Tweezers developed by Israeli sceintists to Combat Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) scientists and German and American colleagues have developed a pair of “molecular tweezers” to destroy the biofilm that surrounds and protects virulent bacteria after entering the body. Their findings were published recently in Cell Chemical Biology. The team, led by BGU’s Department of Chemistry Prof. Raz Jelinek, and postdoc in his lab Dr. RavitMalishev , tested their molecular tweezers …

Know the various Government schemes for students/youth in the field of science and technology

Government is implementing several schemes to encourage students/youth of the country towards the field of science and technology. The “Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE)” is a major scheme in operation to attract, motivate, nurture and train talented and meritorious students to study science subjects and opt for careers in Research and Development (R&D) to build a pipeline …

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