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Skills Education

Adapting to technology change by appropriating skills is best optimism for jobs

At the day-long JobBuzz Workplace2025 Conclave organized by Times Internet on August 31 in New Delhi, HR managers and industry leaders shared optimism on growth of jobs in future. Reskilling and upskilling along with investing in peoples’ relationships is necessary to adaption of newer technologies and changes it brings in at workplaces.   The 2019 edition of JobBuzz Workplace2025 Conclave …

India wins first ever gold medal in WorldSkills International Competition, finishes at 13th in the 2019 edition held in Kazan

Indian Team returned with the best-ever finish at the 45th edition of WorldSkills International Competition 2019 in Kazan, Russia on August 27 by winning 19 medals and Medallions of Excellence. India finished 13th in the overall standings several notches up from the last time when it won 11 medals and finished in the 19th position at Abu Dhabi in 2017.  S Aswatha …

Presence of Top ministers in the celebratory event signals renewed Govt push to Skill India Mission and in particular to apprenticeships

4th Anniversary of WORLD YOUTH SKILLS DAY: July 15 is the World Youth Skills Day and the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) for the past four years has been celebrating the day in a high profile manner ostensibly to promote Skill India initiative announced by the Prime Minister Modi. A regular to the event for the past three …

BSDU: Changing narrative in favor of a skilled society

Your neighborhood carpenter, plumber, car mechanic and other technicians won’t look the same ordinary fellows any more in coming years. They will sound more like engineers, proficient problem solvers and businesslike educated guys. Chances are, you will confront a Ph D carpenter, who will change your worldview completely about skilled human capital. On the outskirts of Jaipur in the Mahindra …

NCVT and NSDA will merge to become NCVET (National Council for Vocational Education and Training)

The Union Cabinet yesterday approved the merger of the existing regulatory institutions in the skills space – National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) and the National Skill Development Agency (NSDA) into the National Council for Vocational Education and Training (NCVET). The existing infrastructure and resources will be utilized for the most part. NCVET will regulate the functioning of entities engaged …

1st batch of Interns for TITP leave for Japan  

Furthering Prime Minister Modi’s bilateral visit to Japan, and seeking to deepen ties between the two friend countries, under a memorandum of cooperation signed between India and Japan, MSDE had started a Technical Training Programme (TITP) in Japan under which interns from India do their internships in Japan and thereby  replicate Japan-like efficiency in our country, once they come back.  …

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