Home News Updates Gujarat: Plea for including Urdu in upcoming Teacher Aptitude Test (TAT)

Gujarat: Plea for including Urdu in upcoming Teacher Aptitude Test (TAT)

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Right to Education Forum, Gujarat has written to authorities on the upcoming TAT which has been scheduled to be held 04/06/2023 and 18/06/2023 and demanded that Urdu be included as a subject and examination must also be conducted in Urdu.

In a letter to the Principal Secretary Education, Gujarat government, Forum’s Mujahid Nafees wrote, “This is to bring to your sincere attention regarding injustice with the Urdu students as Urdu subject is not included in this TAT exam which is scheduled on 4/6/23 (PRE) and on 18/6/23 (Mains). As your good selves are aware that for becoming a teacher  of “Urdu” in the Government Secondary and/or Private (Grant-in-aid) Secondary Schools which are affiliated with The Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Board, it is mandatory to appear and pass the TAT Examination which is conducted by The State Examination Board, Gujarat State. The weightage of TAT Examination is 70% at the time of preparing the list of the eligible candidates for the appointment of a Teachers in the Government Secondary and/or Private (Grant-in-aid) Secondary Schools.  Only 30% weightage is given to the respective academic qualifications of the candidate meaning thereby, if any person who has not appeared and passed the TAT Examination would not be qualified to get appointed as Teacher in Government Secondary and/or Private (Grant-in-aid) Secondary Schools which are affiliated with the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Board.”

Reminding the officials of its resolution where  “Urdu” has been included as a subject for conducting the TAT Examination by the Education Department, Gujarat State in its Resolution dated 19/10/2022 bearing Resolution No.MSB/1116/12/C, the letter also mentions it was resolved to add the appendix 7-A and 7-B consisting the list of the subjects for which the recruitment of the teachers would be done in the specific Schools while the in the referred notification issued by The State Examination Board, Gujarat State has omitted “Urdu” as a subject for which the TAT Examination would be conducted.

The academic qualification to become a teacher in Government Secondary and/or Private (Grant-in-aid) Secondary Schools as they have obtained the degree of Master of Arts in “Urdu” / Bachelor of Arts in “Urdu” and they also obtained degree of Bachelor of Education(B.Ed. which is a sort of professional qualification for becoming a teacher.

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