Home News Updates Over 270 Delegates from 15 Schools Participate in CISMUN XI

Over 270 Delegates from 15 Schools Participate in CISMUN XI

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The latest edition of the Canadian International School Model United Nations (CISMUN XI) concluded successfully recently with over 270 delegates from 15 schools across India — making it one of the largest MUN conferences in CIS history. Themed “Paving a Road to Recovery”, the event focused on addressing global conflicts and fostering diplomatic solutions.

Delegates engaged in rigorous debates across 11 committees, tackling pressing global issues such as genocide prevention in the International Court of Justice (ICJ), escalating tensions in East Asia at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) and the opioid crisis at the World Health Organization (WHO). Historical crises were revisited in the Historical Security Council (HSC), while the Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC) made bold moves, even suspending P5 veto powers for a session.

Distinguished guest speakers elevated the conference experience including Dr. Swati Mitra, CEO of the Centre for Disaster Risk Reduction & Resilience and a member of several United Nations organizations, and Ms. Padmashree Balaram, a leader in climate action and clean technology, inspiring participants to integrate sustainability into their lives and careers.

Dr. Mitra inspired the young audience with her words, “If you will focus on three important ingredients, it will be your patience, your negotiation skills as in persuading people and how much you are respectful to the other person. That will cut across a lot of things. So, improve on your leadership skills by inculcating these habits. The UN is always there to stay. It can never go. Because the world is increasingly getting global, and in a global world, we require help from each other.”

This year saw the largest middle school delegation, with first-time participants actively engaging in discussions and debates, proving that the future of diplomacy is in capable hands. Across the three-day conference, delegates delivered over 700 speeches and 800 Points of Information (POIs), culminating in the successful passage of more than 30 resolutions.

Nivriti, the Secretary-General of CISMUN XI commented, “I’ve been doing MUN since 8th grade and started as a student officer in UNSC. Toward the end of last year (2024), I signed up to be Secretary-General. Confidence and people management skills are my two biggest learnings from this. I’ve learned to talk to different people, which has really helped me, and I think will also continue to help me in the future.”

With this chapter closed, the next generation of Secretariat members now takes on the challenge of carrying forward CISMUN’s legacy, ensuring that next year’s conference continues to inspire, innovate, and shape the leaders of tomorrow.

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