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Campus Events Feb-Mar 2015

Round Square Conference at Pathways World School, Aravali The Fourth Senior Students Round Square Conference (spread over four days) at Pathways World School Aravali,  which provided an inspirational platform to the collective talents of more than 120 children from 15 participating schools, kicked off with pomp and joy on February 12th, 2015. The theme of this year’s conference was ‘Translate-Transform-Transfer’. …

New National Education Policy Formulation Initiated-Stage 1: Online Public Participation

After  29 long years, Here comes the chance to redefine & reform India’s education priorities and system In a major initiative on education sector, the union government on Republic Day this year (January 26) launched web-based consultations on website http://www.mygov.in for preparing a draft on a New Education Policy on Education in the country.  A set of 33 themes have …

Career in Nanotechnology

Dr. Pawan Whig, Dean, RIET, Jaipur NANOTECHNOLOGY is the upcoming field which interests many people. It is the science of the future which includes innovations that can change the world.  It is the engineering of working systems at the molecular level. From the clothes and sunglasses we wear to computer hard drives and even cleaning products, nanotechnology  often inspired by …

Campus buzz: Appearing in Feb 2015 issue of Curriculum

Bharatanatyam ‘star’ is born Rubaina Gambhir, 14, a student of Springdales School, Pusa road, New Delhi and  senior diploma certificate holder in Bharatanatyam from Prayag Sangeet Samiti, Allahabad on January 10 performed  Arangetram (debut on-stage performance of a classical art student, after undertaking years of training. It is a public graduation performance for any art form ) at at Triveni …

New Education Policy 33 discussion themes

The government on January 26 launched the exhaustive exercise for holding consultations aimed at the drafting of a new national education policy and invited suggestions and discussions on the following 33 themes: School Education Ensuring Learning Outcomes in Elementary Education Extending outreach of Secondary and Senior Secondary Education Strengthening of Vocational Education Reforming School Examination Systems Revamping Teacher Education for …

Looking at a Nation of Students

Global relevance & competitiveness remain the key challenge as India will have 70 million students, the highest number ever in history of mankind by 2030 According to Greg Clark, British Minister of State for Universities, Science and Cities, soon one in four students globally will be an Indian and so world can’t ignore India. Conversely, India would also greatly depend …

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