Home Health safety (page 2)

Health safety

Dental teams could play important role in early detection of Type 2 and pre-diabetes – study

Dental teams could play an integral role in identifying people at high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes as well as in the early detection of the condition in those who are undiagnosed, new research suggests. The systematic review, led by researchers in the University of Birmingham, found that using risk assessment tools such as patient questionnaires and point of …

Sound of Infinity based on Nada Yoga by Dr Anju Sharma is a novelty in wellness

At the 2nd edition of National Wellbeing Summit organized by Shobhit University in Delhi on Feb 29, “Sound of Infinity”, a musical healing band founded by Dr Anju Sharma received a lot of traction. Dr Sharma is a psychiatrist, sound & energy master, wellness-holistic coach and speaker. At the conference, she showed a glimpse of how the vibration can affect …

Be Safe: Awareness, maintaining better hygienic practices key safeguards from novel Corona virus

Globally around 25 countries are facing the wrath of this novel Corona virus. These viruses usually cause illness ranging from the common cold to diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).  What is more worrisome is that it has also been found that there are people who have contracted Coronavirus but are asymptomatic …

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